Dec 23, 2022

Tanay Rai
As technology advances, the frequency and severity of cyber-attacks also increase. On average, around 18 adults face cyber-attacks every second, which translates to one million attacks per day. Cyber resilience focuses on how organizations can continue operating effectively even in the face of such attacks, ensuring business continuity despite malicious disruptions.
What is Cyber Resilience?
Cyber resilience is the ability of an organization to maintain and recover operations during and after a cyber-attack. It focuses on minimizing disruption and ensuring that critical functions continue, even in adverse situations. This is essential as over 70% of industrial organizations feel unprepared to defend against cyberattacks, often losing customer trust in the process.
Objectives of Cyber Resilience:
The primary goals of cyber resilience are:
Continuity: Ensuring that the organization delivers optimized outcomes despite cyber-attacks.
Modification: Making timely adjustments during breaches.
Restoration: Quickly restoring regular operations when needed.
Elements of Cyber Resilience:
To create an effective cyber resilience strategy, four key elements must be addressed:
Protection and Management: Initiatives to detect and protect against cyber-attacks.
Detection: Monitoring security threats and identifying potential risks before they escalate.
Response: Developing and executing response plans for detected threats.
Assurance: Ensuring that resilience strategies are embedded within the organization's core operations.
Importance of Cyber Resilience:
Cyber resilience is crucial because traditional security methods like questionnaires are no longer effective. It helps organizations respond to intentional and unintentional security events, maintaining integrity and business operations. Attacks are inevitable, but the organization’s ability to respond effectively can mitigate their impact.
About Genesis:
Genesis is a comprehensive cyber risk management platform that combines attack surface management with third-party risk management. By monitoring security posture and mapping digital assets, Genesis helps businesses reduce their attack surface and prevent breaches, providing a risk score to proactively predict potential threats.